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BLUU Seafood opens new Hamburg HQ with Europe's first pilot plant for cultivated fish and prepares for market entry

April 15, 2024

BLUU Seafood, one of Europe's leading food biotech companies in the production of cultivated fish, has officially opened the doors to the first pilot plant in Europe. By relocating from Lübeck to Hamburg-Altona, the start-up company has left laboratory scale behind and exchanged it for 2,000m2 of customized research, production, and office space to develop and produce real and tasty fish products – without any animal suffering or environmental damage.

The new fermenters, which currently have a capacity of 65 liters with the potential to expand to 2,000 liters, will enable BLUU Seafood to cultivate muscle, fat and connective tissue cells from Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout in much larger quantities than before.

At the optimal temperature, with the necessary oxygen supply and the appropriate nutrients, the animal cells grow and divide in the same way as they do in live fish. The fish products made from the cell mass, such as fish sticks or fish balls, are both GMO-free and free from heavy metals and microplastics often found in wild-caught fish. They are similar to conventional products in terms of taste, nutritional content, and cooking behavior.

With the new plant and the associated scale-up, BLUU Seafood is taking the next step towards industrial production. "With the facilities at our new site, we are laying the foundations to supply the first markets. In Hamburg, we have the ideal conditions to continue to grow and continuously reduce production costs," commented Dr Sebastian Rakers, Co-founder & Co-CEO.

At present, the cost of producing cultivated fish is still higher than the average price of wild and farmed fish, but this will gradually change as capacity increases. "If the scalability and market conditions are favorable, we will be able to offer cultivated fish at wholesale fish prices in as little as three years. The new site is an important building block in this development," Rakers added.

BLUU Seafood therefore expects the first approval in Singapore in early 2025, with the USA, and the European Union to follow.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, please email info@futureofproteinproduction.com

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