Bunge and Singapore's National Technical University collaborate to craft new food flavors via fermentation
The National Technical University (NTU) Singapore and Bunge, a global agriculture, food, and ingredients company, are collaborating to produce new food flavors through fermentation, including umami, or savoriness, one of the five basic tastes.
Umami, which means 'pleasant savory taste' in Japanese, is recognized scientifically as one of the five basic tastes along with sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Its characteristic savory and meaty flavor profile enhances the taste of food by adding depth and richness.
In a research collaboration agreement, Bunge will develop the new flavors by leveraging the research capabilities and technologies at NTU’s Food Science and Technology Programme (FST). This agreement is also the first successful partnership under the Singapore Agri-food Innovation Lab (SAIL).
Funded by Enterprise Singapore (ESG), SAIL aims to enhance the agri-food innovation ecosystem by connecting solution providers with multinational corporations, which are looking for market-driven solutions.
Bunge will supply fats and oils derived from oilseeds – soybean, canola, and sunflower – as well as oilseed meal and oilseed cake, which are formed after oil is extracted from the oilseeds.
The technology not only produces enzymes, acids, or flavors for food production, but also offers a new use for oilseed meal and cake, which are normally used in livestock feed.
To develop the new flavors, which will be used in alternative protein and plant-based protein products, NTU’s FST, led by its Director, Professor William Chen, will be employing a technology called solid-state fermentation (SSF), which is more cost-effective than conventional fermentation techniques, as it uses fewer resources such as water and electricity.
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