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Green Boy expands business into the plant-based pet food market

April 16, 2024

Green Boy announced last week that it had opened a new plant-based pet food division, as of 1 April 2024, expanding its international footprint to supply premium plant-based pet food ingredients to pet food producers globally. The focus will be on supplying starches, sweeteners, proteins, and fibers.

"Green Boy has always operated with the goal of accelerating the plant-based food reformation, to help with the transition from animal-based food products to plant-based food products. We want to lower the dependence on meat, fish, and dairy," explained Peter van Dijken, Green Boy Co-Founder & Owner. "It is a logical next step for Green Boy to apply the same modus operandi to the pet food market as we service similar ingredients to our food customers worldwide for eight years already."

"The pet food market is very interesting for Green Boy, it is an ever-expanding playfield from a consumer perspective," added Frederik Otten, Green Boy Co-Founder & Owner. "In 2024 its expected sales will be around US$60 billion with an anticipated growth rate of about 6% per year. We know we can add value to our existing customer network because many of the large brands we supply also have a very strong presence in the pet food market."

"We will be focusing on the premium markets such as North America, Europe, and Oceania," stated Jeroen van den Heuvel, Green Boy's Managing Director. "This expansion into the pet food market fits into Green Boy's growth and sustainability strategy. Pet food producers are still using large amounts of animal proteins. We want to offer a plant-based alternative for them. Our aim is to make functional high-quality plant-based pet food ingredients more accessible to this exciting market. Our new pet food division will encompass ingredients for dry and wet pet food and for the utilization of all kinds of pet food products."

Green Boy, founded in 2016, is a worldwide supplier of plant-based NON-GMO and Organic food ingredients. Green Boy has offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, Amsterdam, Hong Kong and Sydney.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, please email info@futureofproteinproduction.com

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